This section contains information about all the different ammunition types that are available in S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Call of Pripyat. If you're looking for hand grenades, please refer to the Weapons page.
|  | A full metal jacket round with a steel penetrator and a lead core under a metal jacket. Provides good stopping power but is ineffective against body armor. Weight | 0.20 kg | Rounds | 50 |
|  | This round contains a bullet with enhanced stopping power, while its European +P+ designation indicates "overpressure ammunition" with a 30% increase in muzzle velocity. Ineffective against body armor. Weight | 0.20 kg | Rounds | 50 |
|  | This basic 9x19 caliber round with a jacketed bullet has good characteristics while being simple to produce. The round is popular due to the fact that international conventions prohibit the use of expanding ammunition in combat. Ineffective against body armor. Weight | 0.24 kg | Rounds | 50 |
|  | This 9x19 caliber jacketed hollow point bullet with an expanding hollow provides high stopping power and low ricochet propensity. Used by police and for self-defense. Ineffective against body armor due to its low penetration potential. Weight | 0.24 kg | Rounds | 50 |
|  | The .45 caliber full metal jacket round has enjoyed popularity for more than a hundred years thanks to its heavy bullet and a relatively small propelling charge. As a result, the bullet in this round is relatively slow but highly accurate and provides considerable stopping power. Weight | 0.30 kg | Rounds | 50 |
|  | This unusual .45 ACP caliber round is comprised of a jacketed soft point bullet with an expanding hollow and a steel core. It is a combination of jacketed expanding soft point and armor piercing bullets, benefiting from the advantages of both and, suffering from the downsides. Weight | 0.30 kg | Rounds | 50 |
|  | Standard 12 caliber round filled with a 6 mm shot. Highly lethal at close range. Only suitable for use with smoothbore weapons. Weight | 0.45 kg | Rounds | 10 |
|  | This heavy 12 caliber slug round is normally used for hunting big game, but is also good for other purposes. Intead of piercing, this hefty slug simply crushes through armor. Weight | 0.50 kg | Rounds | 10 |
|  | Military 5.45x39 7H10 caliber improved piercing round for automatic rifles of Warsaw Pact countries. Provides better accuracy than the 7.62 caliber round thanks to reduced recoil and a 100 meter increase in range. Weight | 0.28 kg | Rounds | 60 |
|  | Military 5.45x39 7H22 caliber armor-piercing round for automatic rifles of Warsaw Pact countries. The bullet contains a hard-alloy armor piercing penetrator. Effective against body armor. Weight | 0.32 kg | Rounds | 60 |
|  | A standard issue NATO 5.56x45 caliber round specially designed for accurate automatic fire. Provides good ballistic characteristics, having been designed on the basis of a hunting round. Widely known under its SS109 index. Weight | 0.33 kg | Rounds | 60 |
|  | A common NATO military 5.56x45 caliber armor piercing round, known under its SS190/M855 index, widely used by Western security agencies and special services. Effective against body armor. Weight | 0.33 kg | Rounds | 60 |
|  | The SP-5 is a subsonic sniper round with a bimetallic casing. The round contains a steel core with a gap behind it that is filled with lead. Requires a silencer for stealth firing. Used by special services of Warsaw Pact countries. Weight | 0.70 kg | Rounds | 30 |
|  | The SP-6 is a subsonic assault rifle round with a jacketed soft point bullet with a hard steel core that protrudes from the casing. Requires a silencer for stealth firing. Used by special services of Warsaw Pact countries. Effective against body armor. Weight | 0.70 kg | Rounds | 30 |
|  | A 7.62 caliber sniper round with a steel penetrator specially designed for the SVD. Unlike the machine gun round, the 7H1 provides tight groupings and excellent penetration characteristics. Weight | 0.23 kg | Rounds | 10 |
|  | Cheap 7.62 caliber machine gun round. Its design makes it unsuitable for sniper rifles, so it is used only with RP-74 machine gun. Weight | 1.30 kg | Rounds | 100 |
| You can find a box of this ammunition in a stash in Zaton, and you can also find a box on the front seat of an old truck in the Pripyat Underpass. Inside the room you can reach by climbing the vines at the Vine Anomaly in Pripyat you can find a total of 300 rounds, along with a fully loaded RP-74, as well; click here to see the exact location. If you get the Friend of Duty achievement, you can also purchase this ammunition from Hawaiian. |
|  | Regular fragmentation grenade for the GP-25 Koster underbarrel grenade launcher. This round has a 5 meter kill zone. The VOG-25 grenade is also used in the Tunder S14 complex and Bulldog 6 revolver-type grenade launcher. Weight | 0.08 kg | Rounds | 1 |
| Owl may begin to sell this grenade once you receive either the One of Ours or the Boss achievement; also, Hawaiian will sell them if you side with Freedom and get the Friend of Duty achievement. |
|  | Fragmentation warhead for anti-personnel warfare used with the RPG-7u grenade launcher. The main purpose of the warhead is to kill enemies in cover outside the range of hand grenades using the RPG-7u launcher. Weight | 2.00 kg | Rounds | 1 |
|  | These lower-capacity cells use capsulated fragments of the Flash artifact as their power source. Their lower capacity is due to makeshift production conditions and lack of specialized equipment. Weight | 0.50 kg | Rounds | 10 |
| Once you've had the Gauss Rifle repaired by Cardan, you can buy these batteries from him; they cost 2,000 RU per batch which includes 6 rounds. |
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