IndexModified: 16/5/2013 17:14:42 CET
Call of Pripyat DVD Version Box Art
Call of Pripyat DVD Version Box Art
Welcome to the second installation of the Zone Survival Guide focused on everything within the single-player portion of S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Call of Pripyat.

If you have problems locating something specific, I urge you to visit the sitemap as it contains keywords for basically all noteworthy items, weapons, persons, missions, etc. If you come across some obvious shortcomings or errors, or if you have useful information regarding the game - such as the locations of unique items, weapons and armor - or you just spot something that is wrong, feel free to let me know. You can contact me through the following address:

This is the second website in the Zone Survival Guide series. The first one is dedicated to another wonderful game in the S.T.A.L.K.E.R. series, namely Shadow of Chernobyl. You can reach it by clicking the link in the ZSG Network section of the menu.

NotePlease notice that this website is full of spoilers, ie. almost every page is likely to reveal something you didn't know unless you've already played the game before. Once I finish the walkthrough it should be safe to read through as it will not spoil things in advance.

Table of content
Table of contentIndexUpdated 4090 days ago (16/5/2013 17:14:42 CET)
Table of contentSite mapUpdated 5076 days ago (03/9/2010 15:20:18 CET)
 ZSG Network
Table of contentBlog - The 100 Rads
Table of contentShadow of Chernobyl
Table of contentMy YouTube channel
 Call of Pripyat Guides
Table of content100 Zone Survival TipsUpdated 5092 days ago (18/8/2010 21:21:21 CET)
Table of contentAchievementsUpdated 5085 days ago (25/8/2010 19:11:54 CET)
Table of contentAnimals and MutantsUpdated 5086 days ago (24/8/2010 06:17:47 CET)
Table of contentAnomalies & EmissionsUpdated 5092 days ago (18/8/2010 21:49:56 CET)
Table of contentEquipment & ArtifactsUpdated 5092 days ago (18/8/2010 20:20:50 CET)
Table of contentAmmunitionUpdated 5090 days ago (20/8/2010 20:21:50 CET)
Table of contentArmorUpdated 4936 days ago (21/1/2011 06:24:05 CET)
Table of contentArtifactsUpdated 5090 days ago (20/8/2010 14:14:59 CET)
Table of contentItemsUpdated 4937 days ago (20/1/2011 20:39:47 CET)
Table of contentWeaponsUpdated 4926 days ago (31/1/2011 19:45:43 CET)
Table of contentHUDUpdated 5084 days ago (26/8/2010 15:45:27 CET)
Table of contentHUD (non-interactive)Updated 5092 days ago (18/8/2010 20:20:05 CET)
Table of contentInventoryUpdated 5084 days ago (26/8/2010 15:45:55 CET)
Table of contentInventory (non-interactive)Updated 5090 days ago (20/8/2010 19:19:53 CET)
Table of contentMapsUpdated 5090 days ago (20/8/2010 09:55:33 CET)
Table of contentMedia
Table of contentInteractive MapsUpdated 5092 days ago (18/8/2010 20:20:55 CET)
Table of contentJupiterUpdated 4121 days ago (15/4/2013 10:49:24 CET)
Table of contentPripyatUpdated 4926 days ago (31/1/2011 19:45:13 CET)
Table of contentPripyat UnderpassUpdated 4121 days ago (15/4/2013 11:17:23 CET)
Table of contentTesting WorkshopUpdated 5084 days ago (26/8/2010 15:46:30 CET)
Table of contentX8Updated 5084 days ago (26/8/2010 15:46:31 CET)
Table of contentZatonUpdated 4922 days ago (04/2/2011 07:56:35 CET)
Table of contentModificationsUpdated 5090 days ago (20/8/2010 21:02:00 CET)
Table of contentArmorUpdated 5091 days ago (19/8/2010 13:23:08 CET)
Table of contentWeaponsUpdated 4809 days ago (28/5/2011 07:58:58 CET)
Table of contentOptional MissionsUpdated 4068 days ago (07/6/2013 19:59:07 CET)
Table of contentPersons, Contacts & FactionsUpdated 4938 days ago (19/1/2011 19:16:34 CET)
Table of contentStashes & Items in the OpenUpdated 4121 days ago (15/4/2013 11:17:31 CET)
Table of contentStreloks Faction StashesUpdated 5091 days ago (19/8/2010 09:13:36 CET)
Table of contentTraders, Inventory & PricesUpdated 5092 days ago (18/8/2010 21:31:05 CET)
Table of contentTranslationsUpdated 2637 days ago (08/5/2017 18:59:12 CET)
Table of contentWalkthroughUpdated 3994 days ago (20/8/2013 19:10:36 CET)
Table of contentAbout the authorUpdated 5090 days ago (20/8/2010 09:42:43 CET)

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