Equipment & Artifacts - ArmorModified: 21/1/2011 06:24:05 CET
This page lists all the different body armors and headgear that are available in S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Call of Pripyat. If you spot an error or something I have missed please do not hesitate to contact me.
Table of content
Table of contentBody Armor
Table of contentBerill-5M Armored Suit
Table of contentBulat Armored Suit
Table of contentCS-3a Body Armor
Table of contentExoskeleton
Table of contentFreedom Guard Bodysuit
Table of contentLeather Trench Coat
Table of contentPS5-M Universal Protection
Table of contentPSZ-9d Duty Armor
Table of contentSEVA Bodysuit
Table of contentSunrise Bodysuit
Table of contentWind of Freedom Bodysuit
Table of contentHeadgear
Table of contentGas Mask
Table of contentScreen Helmet
Table of contentSphere M12 Helmet
Table of contentSteel Helmet
Table of contentTactical Helmet
Each body armor and headgear includes a description along with their default, ie. unmodified, protective properties. You can also see their weight, and for body armor it is also noted how many artifact containers the armor comes with, and how many it can be modified to carry. You can also see the base cost of repair for the armor in the worst possible condition; this price is without any discounts you may have earned. For body armor it is also noted if it does not allow the use of seperate headgear.
Body ArmorBack to top
Berill-5M Armored SuitBack to top
Berill-5M Armored Suit (Click to view large version)
Berill-5M Armored Suit
This item comprises military PS5 series body armor with beryllium sputter modified modified for use in the Zone. Designed for assault operations in highly radioactive areas, it is ineffective in the areas of high anomalous activity. The suit makes its way to stalkers through the military, who exchange it for loot. Does not come with an artifact container.

Default properties
Protection against fire damageThermal26.50%26.50%26.50%
Protection against electric shockElectricity12.70%12.70%12.70%
Protection against chemical burnChemical11.80%11.80%11.80%
Protection against radiationRadiation5.90%5.90%5.90%
Protection against psy-emissionsPsy0.00%0.00%
Protection against damage from falls (and possibly thrown objects)Impact58.80%58.80%58.80%
Protection against melee and projectile attacksArmor20.60%20.60%20.60%
Average ProtectionAverage19.47%19.47%19.47%
Base cost of repair for an armor in the worst possible conditionRepair7,500 RU
WeightWeight9.00 kg
Number of artifact containers (second number is the total amount the armor can be modified to carry)Containers0 / 2
You can buy this armor from Owl.

Bulat Armored SuitBack to top
Bulat Armored Suit (Click to view large version)
Bulat Armored Suit
This modern military armored suit is designed for assault operations in anomalous areas. Comprises a PSZ-12p heavy military armored suit, built-in compensation suit, and an anomalous protection bodysuit. The armor provides excellent protection against bullet and fragmentation damage, without greatly reducing the wearer's mobility. Does not come with an artifact container.

Default properties
Protection against fire damageThermal38.20%38.20%38.20%
Protection against electric shockElectricity26.50%26.50%26.50%
Protection against chemical burnChemical17.60%17.60%17.60%
Protection against radiationRadiation11.80%11.80%11.80%
Protection against psy-emissionsPsy0.00%0.00%
Protection against damage from falls (and possibly thrown objects)Impact70.60%70.60%70.60%
Protection against melee and projectile attacksArmor41.20%41.20%41.20%
Average ProtectionAverage29.41%29.41%29.41%
Base cost of repair for an armor in the worst possible conditionRepair15,000 RU
WeightWeight12.00 kg
Number of artifact containers (second number is the total amount the armor can be modified to carry)Containers0 / 2
You may be able to buy this armor from Owl once you have acquired either the One of Ours or the Boss achievement.

CS-3a Body ArmorBack to top
CS-3a Body Armor (Click to view large version)
CS-3a Body Armor
Once used as standard by Clear Sky assault squads, after the faction's elimination this armor serves as a reminder that even an excellent protective bodysuit cannot guarantee you safety this side of the perimeter. The armor is capable of stopping a pistol bullet, while the wearer is also well protected from anomalies. Comes with a built-in artifact container.

Default properties
Protection against fire damageThermal41.20%41.20%41.20%
Protection against electric shockElectricity38.20%38.20%38.20%
Protection against chemical burnChemical20.60%20.60%20.60%
Protection against radiationRadiation14.70%14.70%14.70%
Protection against psy-emissionsPsy0.00%0.00%
Protection against damage from falls (and possibly thrown objects)Impact64.70%64.70%64.70%
Protection against melee and projectile attacksArmor20.60%20.60%20.60%
Average ProtectionAverage28.57%28.57%28.57%
Base cost of repair for an armor in the worst possible conditionRepair12,000 RU
WeightWeight11.00 kg
Number of artifact containers (second number is the total amount the armor can be modified to carry)Containers1 / 4
Wearing this armor when you talk to Novikov will allow for a unique conversation option since he invented it.
You can order this armored suit from Nimble, which also comes with a Tactical Helmet.

ExoskeletonBack to top
Exoskeleton (Click to view large version)
An experimental sample of a military exoskeleton. Was never mass-produced due to extraordinary cost and some design flaws. Despite this, it is in demand due to its ability to take on the weight of all carried equipment, and therefore small batches are made in underground facilities outside Ukraine. Comes with a built-in container.

Default properties
Protection against fire damageThermal38.20%38.20%38.20%
Protection against electric shockElectricity38.20%38.20%38.20%
Protection against chemical burnChemical38.20%38.20%38.20%
Protection against radiationRadiation14.70%14.70%14.70%
Protection against psy-emissionsPsy50.00%50.00%50.00%
Protection against damage from falls (and possibly thrown objects)Impact79.40%79.40%79.40%
Protection against melee and projectile attacksArmor45.10%45.10%45.10%
Average ProtectionAverage43.40%43.40%43.40%
Base cost of repair for an armor in the worst possible conditionRepair30,000 RU
WeightWeight25.00 kg
Number of artifact containers (second number is the total amount the armor can be modified to carry)Containers1 / 4
Does not allow headgearDoes not allow headgear
You cannot run while wearing an unmodified Exoskeleton armor; bringing all three sets of tools to Cardan will allow him to upgrade the armor with a modification that allow you to run while wearing it. While the Exoskeleton does allow you to carry an extra 30 kg of equipment, the suit itself almost matches this additional carrying capacity in weight; with modifications though, the suit can allow you to carry an extra 10 kilos of equipment, and the weight of the suit can be reduced by 10 kilos; this means the suit will weigh 15.00 kg, and allow you to carry a whopping total of 100 kilos worth of equipment; with four artifact slots you'll be able to wear two Goldfish artifacts (with other artifacts keeping the radiation at bay), increasing your total carrying capacity to a stunning 124 kilos.
If you can afford it, this armor can be bought through Nimble. You may also be able to buy it from Owl with the right achievements; Hawaiian will also sell it once you become friends with either Duty or Freedom.

Freedom Guard BodysuitBack to top
Freedom Guard Bodysuit (Click to view large version)
Freedom Guard Bodysuit
This stalker bodysuit with reinforced body armor made by Freedom craftsmen represents a good compromise between combat and anomaly protection. The built-in body armor comprises armor plating and ten Kevlar layers, capable of stopping a pistol bullet. The suit uses the relatively expensive Sovereign compound for anomaly protection. Comes with an artifact container.

Default properties
Protection against fire damageThermal41.20%41.20%41.20%
Protection against electric shockElectricity44.10%44.10%44.10%
Protection against chemical burnChemical29.40%29.40%29.40%
Protection against radiationRadiation20.60%20.60%20.60%
Protection against psy-emissionsPsy0.00%0.00%
Protection against damage from falls (and possibly thrown objects)Impact60.80%60.80%60.80%
Protection against melee and projectile attacksArmor20.60%20.60%20.60%
Average ProtectionAverage30.96%30.96%30.96%
Base cost of repair for an armor in the worst possible conditionRepair11,100 RU
WeightWeight8.00 kg
Number of artifact containers (second number is the total amount the armor can be modified to carry)Containers1 / 4
You may be able to buy this armor from Hawaiian after you receive the Friend of Freedom achievement.

Leather Trench CoatBack to top
Leather Trench Coat (Click to view large version)
Leather Trench Coat
A regular black leather trench coat. Has no special purpose other than to keep the wearer warm at night or protect him from a blind dog bite. Although the trench coat is not particularly comfortable, it is often used by bandits in the Zone - either because it allows them to hide in the dark or simply due to its "cool" appearance.

Default properties
Protection against fire damageThermal12.70%12.70%12.70%
Protection against electric shockElectricity0.00%0.00%
Protection against chemical burnChemical5.90%5.90%5.90%
Protection against radiationRadiation0.00%0.00%
Protection against psy-emissionsPsy0.00%0.00%
Protection against damage from falls (and possibly thrown objects)Impact20.60%20.60%20.60%
Protection against melee and projectile attacksArmor2.90%2.90%2.90%
Average ProtectionAverage6.01%6.01%6.01%
Base cost of repair for an armor in the worst possible conditionRepair375 RU
WeightWeight4.00 kg
Number of artifact containers (second number is the total amount the armor can be modified to carry)Containers0
Personally, I wouldn't want to get bitten by a dog - blind or not - while wearing this armor.
This armor can be bought from Owl.

PS5-M Universal ProtectionBack to top
PS5-M Universal Protection (Click to view large version)
PS5-M Universal Protection
This modern version of the Duty bodysuit is better suited for stalker recruits who are used to lightweight suits. Unlike the PSZ series, this suit provides good protection against anomalies while also being capable of stopping a pistol bullet. The suit cannot be modified with an artifact container but may be upgraded with a combat support system.

Default properties
Protection against fire damageThermal26.50%26.50%26.50%
Protection against electric shockElectricity26.50%26.50%26.50%
Protection against chemical burnChemical14.70%14.70%14.70%
Protection against radiationRadiation8.80%8.80%8.80%
Protection against psy-emissionsPsy0.00%0.00%
Protection against damage from falls (and possibly thrown objects)Impact50.00%50.00%50.00%
Protection against melee and projectile attacksArmor11.80%11.80%11.80%
Average ProtectionAverage19.76%19.76%19.76%
Base cost of repair for an armor in the worst possible conditionRepair3,900 RU
WeightWeight7.00 kg
Number of artifact containers (second number is the total amount the armor can be modified to carry)Containers0
You'll receive this armor if you give Morgan's PDA to the Duty commander, Shulga. You can also find one inside the Duty warehouse that you get access to after giving him the PDA.

PSZ-9d Duty ArmorBack to top
PSZ-9d Duty Armor (Click to view large version)
PSZ-9d Duty Armor
This early model of the Duty bodysuit is the Spetsnaz PSZ-9 body armor modified for the Zone. The suit is capable of stopping a rifle bullet, however, this level of protection comes at the cost of its weight, bulkiness and virtually non-existent anomaly protection. The suit cannot be modified with an artifact container, but may be upgraded with a combat support system.

Default properties
Protection against fire damageThermal26.50%26.50%26.50%
Protection against electric shockElectricity26.50%26.50%26.50%
Protection against chemical burnChemical14.70%14.70%14.70%
Protection against radiationRadiation6.90%6.90%6.90%
Protection against psy-emissionsPsy0.00%0.00%
Protection against damage from falls (and possibly thrown objects)Impact76.50%76.50%76.50%
Protection against melee and projectile attacksArmor41.20%41.20%41.20%
Average ProtectionAverage27.47%27.47%27.47%
Base cost of repair for an armor in the worst possible conditionRepair15,000 RU
WeightWeight15.00 kg
Number of artifact containers (second number is the total amount the armor can be modified to carry)Containers0
This armor is sold by Hawaiian if you side with Duty and acquire the Friend of Duty achievement.

SEVA BodysuitBack to top
SEVA Bodysuit (Click to view large version)
SEVA Bodysuit
This suit, produced by one of Kiev's Defense Research Institutes, is a great alternative to homemade stalker suits. While its built-in body armor can only stop a pistol round, the anomaly and radiation protection system is second to none. Fully upgradeable and boasting two built-in artifact containers, this bodysuit is the equipment of choice for many experienced stalkers.

Default properties
Protection against fire damageThermal44.10%44.10%44.10%
Protection against electric shockElectricity50.00%50.00%50.00%
Protection against chemical burnChemical55.90%55.90%55.90%
Protection against radiationRadiation26.50%26.50%26.50%
Protection against psy-emissionsPsy60.80%60.80%60.80%
Protection against damage from falls (and possibly thrown objects)Impact44.10%44.10%44.10%
Protection against melee and projectile attacksArmor11.80%11.80%11.80%
Average ProtectionAverage41.89%41.89%41.89%
Base cost of repair for an armor in the worst possible conditionRepair15,000 RU
WeightWeight10.00 kg
Number of artifact containers (second number is the total amount the armor can be modified to carry)Containers2 / 5
Does not allow headgearDoes not allow headgear
You can buy this armor from both Hawaiian and Owl once you get the mission requiring you to find a suit with a closed-cycle respiratory system. At this point you can also put in a special order with Nimble who'll acquire the suit for 30,000 RU. You can also find a SEVA Bodysuit inside a box in the Pripyat Underpass; click here to see the location.

Sunrise BodysuitBack to top
Sunrise Bodysuit (Click to view large version)
Sunrise Bodysuit
This DIY stalker bodysuit is a combination of a bodysuit of twin-layered rubberized cloth with plexiglass lining and built-in body armor. Despite the fact that the body armor is incapable of protecting the wearer from even pistol bullets, the suit enjoys great popularity due to its low cost and modification potential. Comes with built-in artifact containers.

Default properties
Protection against fire damageThermal32.40%32.40%32.40%
Protection against electric shockElectricity26.50%26.50%26.50%
Protection against chemical burnChemical17.60%17.60%17.60%
Protection against radiationRadiation11.80%11.80%11.80%
Protection against psy-emissionsPsy0.00%0.00%
Protection against damage from falls (and possibly thrown objects)Impact29.40%29.40%29.40%
Protection against melee and projectile attacksArmor8.80%8.80%8.80%
Average ProtectionAverage18.07%18.07%18.07%
Base cost of repair for an armor in the worst possible conditionRepair3,750 RU
WeightWeight5.00 kg
Number of artifact containers (second number is the total amount the armor can be modified to carry)Containers2 / 4
You are wearing a slightly worn Sunrise Bodysuit at the beginning of the game. A fresh one can be bought from Owl, and you can find one in a stash at the Fuelling Station in Zaton; a modified version can also be found on the corpse of Barge.

Wind of Freedom BodysuitBack to top
Wind of Freedom Bodysuit (Click to view large version)
Wind of Freedom Bodysuit
This lightweight stalker bodysuit is made by Freedom craftsmen. The suit's fabric is treated with Horizon, a special solution developed by the faction by trial and error to increase resistance to anomalies. Like the Sunrise suit, the Wind of Freedom comes with built-in body armor and artifact containers.

Default properties
Protection against fire damageThermal35.30%35.30%35.30%
Protection against electric shockElectricity32.40%32.40%32.40%
Protection against chemical burnChemical19.60%19.60%19.60%
Protection against radiationRadiation11.80%11.80%11.80%
Protection against psy-emissionsPsy0.00%0.00%
Protection against damage from falls (and possibly thrown objects)Impact44.10%44.10%44.10%
Protection against melee and projectile attacksArmor8.80%8.80%8.80%
Average ProtectionAverage21.71%21.71%21.71%
Base cost of repair for an armor in the worst possible conditionRepair3,900 RU
WeightWeight4.00 kg
Number of artifact containers (second number is the total amount the armor can be modified to carry)Containers2 / 5
You'll receive this armor if you give Morgan's PDA to the Freedom commander, Loki. You can also buy it from Hawaiian after you receive the Friend of Freedom achievement.

HeadgearBack to top
Gas MaskBack to top
Gas Mask (Click to view large version)
Gas Mask
A regular plastic and rubber gas mask, used for filtering air for radioactive particles and poisonous substances. Widely used by rookies and veterans of all factions due to its universal functionality. Does not provide any physical protection.

Default properties
Protection against fire damageThermal0.00%0.00%
Protection against electric shockElectricity0.00%0.00%
Protection against chemical burnChemical26.50%26.50%26.50%
Protection against radiationRadiation5.90%5.90%5.90%
Protection against psy-emissionsPsy20.60%20.60%20.60%
Protection against damage from falls (and possibly thrown objects)Impact0.00%0.00%
Protection against melee and projectile attacksArmor0.00%0.00%
Average ProtectionAverage7.57%7.57%7.57%
Base cost of repair for an armor in the worst possible conditionRepair600 RU
WeightWeight4.00 kg
The Gas Mask can be bought from both Owl and Hawaiian. You can find a modified gas mask near Jokers corpse, south of the Oakpine Anomaly in Zaton.

Screen HelmetBack to top
Screen Helmet (Click to view large version)
Screen Helmet
A light helmet with an airtight visor intended for protection from anomalies. Judging by the design, the helmet is made by the same Defense Research Institutes as the SEVA bodysuit. Its intended use may very well be in combination with military suits for operations in highly anomalous areas.

Default properties
Protection against fire damageThermal0.00%0.00%
Protection against electric shockElectricity0.00%0.00%
Protection against chemical burnChemical26.50%26.50%26.50%
Protection against radiationRadiation8.80%8.80%8.80%
Protection against psy-emissionsPsy59.80%59.80%59.80%
Protection against damage from falls (and possibly thrown objects)Impact0.00%0.00%
Protection against melee and projectile attacksArmor14.70%14.70%14.70%
Average ProtectionAverage15.69%15.69%15.69%
Base cost of repair for an armor in the worst possible conditionRepair3,600 RU
WeightWeight4.00 kg
This headgear can be bought from Owl once you obtain either the One of Ours achievement or the Boss achievement. It can also be bought from Hawaiian if you side with Freedom by acquiring the Friend of Freedom achievement

Sphere M12 HelmetBack to top
Sphere M12 Helmet (Click to view large version)
Sphere M12 Helmet
An aluminium/titanium helmet with a cloth exterior that comes with pockets for additional steel armor pieces and an armor face mask. Sphere M12 is normally used as part of a combination that includes PSZ series Spetsnaz body armor. Quite popular in the Zone thanks to its respirator and built-in first generation night vision device, as well as providing the maximum head protection possible. Comes with electronics slots.

Default properties
Protection against fire damageThermal0.00%0.00%
Protection against electric shockElectricity0.00%0.00%
Protection against chemical burnChemical11.80%11.80%11.80%
Protection against radiationRadiation3.90%3.90%3.90%
Protection against psy-emissionsPsy50.00%50.00%50.00%
Protection against damage from falls (and possibly thrown objects)Impact0.00%0.00%
Protection against melee and projectile attacksArmor64.70%64.70%64.70%
Average ProtectionAverage18.63%18.63%18.63%
Base cost of repair for an armor in the worst possible conditionRepair3,600 RU
WeightWeight4.00 kg
This headgear can be bought from Owl once you get either the One of Ours or the Boss achievement. Can also be bought from Hawaiian if you side with Duty and get the Friend of Duty achievement.

Steel HelmetBack to top
Steel Helmet (Click to view large version)
Steel Helmet
A desperately outdated steel army helmet without any additions. Provides no protection against anomalies or radiation, but can deflect bullets. This helmet was never particularly popular in the Zone, except for use in brief armed conflicts between factions.

Default properties
Protection against fire damageThermal0.00%0.00%
Protection against electric shockElectricity0.00%0.00%
Protection against chemical burnChemical0.00%0.00%
Protection against radiationRadiation0.00%0.00%
Protection against psy-emissionsPsy41.20%41.20%41.20%
Protection against damage from falls (and possibly thrown objects)Impact0.00%0.00%
Protection against melee and projectile attacksArmor29.40%29.40%29.40%
Average ProtectionAverage10.09%10.09%10.09%
Base cost of repair for an armor in the worst possible conditionRepair720 RU
WeightWeight4.00 kg
This headgear can be bought from Owl. You can find a Steel Helmet in a stash near the Ash Heap Anomaly in Jupiter.

Tactical HelmetBack to top
Tactical Helmet (Click to view large version)
Tactical Helmet
A Western model of a tactical helmet that lacks camouflage. It is not known how it made its way into the Zone. The helmet is designed to provide a squad leader with strategic superiority over the enemy via its many scanners and satellite communications devices, which have not been installed in this particular helmet. Comes with multi-layered Kevlar protection and armored elements to protect electronic components. Includes a respirator and a first generation night vision device.

Default properties
Protection against fire damageThermal0.00%0.00%
Protection against electric shockElectricity0.00%0.00%
Protection against chemical burnChemical11.80%11.80%11.80%
Protection against radiationRadiation2.90%2.90%2.90%
Protection against psy-emissionsPsy41.20%41.20%41.20%
Protection against damage from falls (and possibly thrown objects)Impact0.00%0.00%
Protection against melee and projectile attacksArmor59.80%59.80%59.80%
Average ProtectionAverage16.53%16.53%16.53%
Base cost of repair for an armor in the worst possible conditionRepair5,250 RU
WeightWeight4.00 kg
This is the only armor/headgear that can be upgraded with the Infrared scanner; bring Nitro all three sets of tools and he'll be able to perform the required modification. The Infrared scanner means that any nearby human enemies appear on your mini-map, which in my opinion is highly useful.
If you order an armored suit from Nimble the CS-3a Body Armor will also come with a Tactical Helmet. You can find a Tactical Helmet in a stash at the Cement Factory in Jupiter.

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