Index - Nightvision & scope comparisonsModified: 18/8/2010 20:21:00 CET
This section deals with comparisons between the different night vision modifications and scopes that you find in S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Call of Pripyat.
Table of content
Table of contentNight vision comparison
Table of contentConclusion
Table of contentScope comparison
Night vision comparisonBack to top
Click the links below to see the three different generations of night vision in effect in different settings - daylight, a lit up area, and an area in complete darkness. Refer to the conclusion for my personal thoughts on the different night vision generations and their positive and negative properties.
Daylight No nightvision 1st generation 2nd generation 3rd generation
Lit area No nightvision 1st generation 2nd generation 3rd generation
Unlit area No nightvision 1st generation 2nd generation 3rd generation
Daylight, no night vision
ConclusionBack to top
While the three generations look very similar, there are some subtle differences. The later generations provide a wider range of brightness, allowing you to see things a bit clearer and in more detail. With a nearby light source, the earlier generations also generate more glare that partially obscure your vision; this is easy to see if you look at bricks of the building in the Daylight examples, or the floor and walls in the Lit area shots. In complete darkness, the third generation of night vision is the only one where you can actually see the details of the display on the detector - which is rendered almost useless with earlier generations. With some nearby light, though, this is less of a problem as the display is alot clearer with all night vision generations; this can be witnessed in the Lit area examples. In daylight only the third generation night vision provides a clear detector display which is especially obscured by the first generation night vision.
Scope comparisonBack to top
Click the links below to see the different scopes in effect. I haven't written a conclusion about these as the scopes have obvious differences, and choosing a scope is pretty much up to personal preference and possibly depending on what tasks you have at hand.
NATO SUSAT 1.6x SUSAT 4.0x SUSAT Mera SUSAT Night SUSAT Twilight
Warsaw Pact PSU-1 PSS-2x PSO-1m NSPU-3
SUSAT 1.6x

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